: L’Invitation au Voyage, PARLOUR, Paris | October 2024

Celebrating the fantastic, mystical, and sublime forces beneath the surface of everyday life. L’Invitation au Voyage features artworks by a cross-generational group of artists, combining art, nature, and mysticism to explore an idealised state attained through an interplay of imagined and real worlds.

: In the Pink, PARLOUR, London | March - May 2023

An exhibition untethering the complexities of the colour pink, exploring its arc of representation through the lens of 15 artists and 31 artworks.

: Between Dog and Wolf, PARLOUR, London | November - December 2022

Seven contemporary female artists explored interpretations of metamorphosis within the realm of magic and art through paintings, tarot - dioramas, spells, rituals, talismanic objects, and more. The exhibition told stories from mythology, psychology, tarot, witchcraft and fairy tales. // A common phrase in French [entre chien et loup] to describe twilight or the magic or witching hour, ‘between dog and wolf’ refers to a liminal passage of time and space. A metaphorical crossover from the domesticated to the wild, the between dog and wolf opens up opportunity for transformation and re-connection to one’s primal, animal self.

: If these walls could talk, PARLOUR, London | May - July, 2022

What happens behind closed doors; the exhibition revealed secrets, private exchanges, and the nostalgic moods of the domestic space.

: PLAY, The Arcade Project, Whiteley's, London | November - December 2018

An immersive playground with 13 commissioned games and toys for adults and children to engage in the spirit of play.

: RB Kitaj, Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | November 2012 - February 2013

Exhibition showing late works of the artist, in tandem with the Jewish Museum, Berlin.

: Howard Wise: Exploring the New, Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | April - July 2012

A tribute exhibition to the pioneering gallery of video and kinetic art including actual works exhibited at the Howard Wise Gallery in the 50s.

: Marcel Duchamp: The Bilboquet, Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | December 2011 – January 2012

Homage to the first ever Readymade.

: Paul Goesch: Fantastical Reveries, Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | November 2010 – January 2011

With loans from the Berlinische Galerie.

: George Grosz, Esq.: Drawings for Esquire Magazine', Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | April – August 2010

In collaboration with the Estate of George Grosz.

: 'Manifest Destiny, Moeller Fine Art, Berlin | September – November 2009

Exploring the contemporary relevance of 'Manifest Destiny', specifically the relationship between America's ideologies and imperial agendas through media and political frameworks of artists Mildred Howard, Tom Molloy & Simon Norfolk.

: 'Rachel Whiteread: Architectural Arrangements & Domestic Details', Sander Collection, Berlin | March - May 2005